Power of Two
Today I'll just reflect a bit about the next little piece of code public static boolean isPowerOfTwo(int value){ return ((value & -value) == value) } The previous »
Today I'll just reflect a bit about the next little piece of code public static boolean isPowerOfTwo(int value){ return ((value & -value) == value) } The previous »
Intro This is an experimental repository with some native code (target for linux) to proxy some libc calls and by doing this being able to monitor »
Monkeys in lab coats: Applying Failure Testing Research @Netflix This keynote was presented by the duo Kolton Andrus and Peter Alvaro and it was a pretty »
Reflections on software arquitecture This first talk of the second day was given by a lady called Linda Northrop. Well, this is a little embarrassing to »
Open talk This first talk was pretty amazing. It was all about papers and the importance of reading them. This opening presentation showed us a bunch »